Objections to anti public breastfeeding

To all those obnoxious people  up in arms about women breastfeeding in public, here’s a thought.

How about you shut your yops and just go on about your own obnoxious business?

You rant and rave in a holier than thou attitude when your own actions are annoying and offensive to others in so many ways. Actions certainly not limited to these that I’ve personally seen.

Playing rude or crude music in public, often at volumes far above those that would imply you gave a damn about how anyone else was feeling around you.
– This person took it upon their self to “speak for the entire group” of people in a rest area in a mall. About 10 people, 1 mom feeding her child and this moron, who didn’t even turn off his music – so loud I could hear every offensive rapping so called rhyme through his dangling earphone – to tell the mom that she was obscene and upsetting everyone.

Wearing overwhelming and noxious scent, layered upon layers that cause others to feel a choking feeling or just smell down right UGH. Again, another lack of consciousness of anyone’s well being around you.

Not to mention the clickety clack of your skanky (on a kid this young, skanky is the only word) stiletto heels, the barely there strip of cloth you were wearing as a skirt and the tube top that your mother should be embarrassed she let you out of the house wearing. (this one was about 12? 14 maybe? hard to tell through the crack proof makeup)

Displaying either on tee shirts or other articles of clothing explicit or offensive sayings, “oh so clever” puns suggesting raunchy or crude expressions. FYI, they aren’t that clever as anyone can figure them out, even young children who are likely more affected by such a thing being made fun of than by the sight of a mother lovingly feeding their child.

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